Friday, 3 August 2012

Knowledge required to start with Selenium

Any Programming Lang (Java/C#/Perl/Php……..):
-          Iteration ( For loop, while loop ,do loop)
-          Decision( If, If-Else, switch)
-          Package-Class-Object
-          Access Modifier(Private, Public, Protected)
-          Array( 1-D,2-D)
-          Exception Handling(try ,catch, throw)
-          Element and Attribute
-          XPath
-          CSS locator
-          Parent-Child Hierarchy
-          Sibling(Previous, next)
Selenium IDE:
-          Record and Playback
-          Command-Target –Value (What and where to be done)
-          Commands(Action, Store, Check, Wait) and Triggering Events( mouseDown,mouseUp)
-          User-Extensions(Association of .js file with selenium IDE)
-          Creation of project  and adding files to it
-          Adding jar file to project
-          Debugging using IDE
-          Efficient use of tool intellisense