Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Why Selenium?

Freedom to Choose language, you are expertise in

@ Selenium you can choose the language of your choice. This is an advantage which has an indirect benefit towards organization. For example if your organization is a Java based, you already have a knowledge and technical expertise available with range of tools (e.g. IDE, build systems, reporting tools etc.) that your development branch uses. It would be just the matter of knowledge sharing among the Development and QA folks
–Develop Script once, Run the same on multiple browser

@ Selenium we can develop test script using any one of the browser and can execute it with different browser, the advantage of running your tests on multiple browsers with the same set of scripts is an enormous advantage when you have to test your application on different browser.
–Special handling of Ajax Control

Handling Ajax Control is always a challenging job for Automation Testing; Selenium has got built in features to handle Ajax Control by Implementing Proper Sync
Lightweight Tool

Generally Automation tools are heavyweight because of its in built features. @ Selenium does not need to install the tool. This is just a Firefox plugin, which records the performed action and play backs the same.  Even it is just a Firefox plugin , but it avails all the features what a normal automation tool should have – record and playback , Checkpoint , data Driving through java script (extension to IDE) , etc………..

Support multiple test frameworks

Contrary to common thinking, selenium is not a testing tool. It is more like a GUI driving library.  This is a blessing.  Selenium allows users to wrap the test scripts in the framework of their choice. So if you like JUnit or TestNG, you have a choice and also taking advantage of reporting capabilities of this framework that your development team might be already using.

Parallel Script Execution

This is the feature, which makes Selenium special. @ Selenium we can run same or different script in parallel over same or different browser.The Concept of parallel execution comes with Selenium Grid, which needs to be specially configured using one of the IDE like: - Eclipse.

Personal View @ Selenium…..

Often Selenium is free (open source) alternative to commercial tools like QuickTest Pro or Silk Test. .It is wise decision to go with Selenium if application interacts only with web applications.@ Selenium the resource should possess good Skillset, since it provides control to user for better customization unlike other tool which is enrich  with  built in feature like- Quick Test pro.

Saturday, 16 June 2012

Introduction to Open Source

Open Source

Open source software allows for the coding of the software to be shared, viewed and modified by others. It is freely available to the public, and is a great way for software to be modified and improved upon by others
·         Source code is available to users
·         Usually free ($) or cheap to acquire and use
·         Primarily developed by volunteers
·         Anyone can modify and customize
·         Users have direct input into development

·         Operating systems: Linux, (Mac OS X)*
·         Web & email servers: Apache and Sendmail/Postfix/Qmail
·         Web & db languages: PHP/Perl and MySQL/PostgreSQL
·          Automation Tools: Selenium
·         Desktop apps: Open Office, Mozilla, gAIM, (eBase)**

Why give Software away?
·         Benefit from the previous work of others
·         Better software, when others can fix it
·         Many hands make light work

Why work for free?
·         The good feelings from any volunteerism
·         Respect, fame, pride in one's creation
·         Actually, not everyone works for free

Open source have practical benefits for all:
·         “Better”: More stable, secure, interoperable
·         You can make a difference
·         Little or no licensing cost, upgrade costs
·         Good community support, direct line to developers
·         Lower system requirements
·         Freedom to change your mind

Saturday, 2 June 2012

Fetching or Verifying text or value from web page in selenium RC

Generally Verification looks easy when we use selenium IDE , but it looks complex to write appropriate method for fetching or retrieving value.

GetText and GetValue methods are two important methods which deals with fetching and retrieving value from webpage.

GetText (Gets the text of an element.It is very useful when we try to fetch or verify value from SPAN,DIV

    Syntax:         public java.lang.String getText(java.lang.String locator)
    Parameters:     locator - an Element Locator
    Returns:        The text of the element

        stextToVerify=selenium. GetText   (Locator)

GetValue (Gets the text of an element.It is very useful when we try to fetch or verify value from Webedit,checkbox,radio button,... 
    Syntax:         public java.lang.String getValue(java.lang.String locator)
    Parameters:     locator - an Element Locator
    Returns:        the element value, or "on/off" for checkbox/radio

        sValueToVerify=selenium. GetValue (Locator)

NOTE:-  where selenium is the object of DefaultSelenium  class